A Sublime Christmas Eve

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Every now and then, Sunday is not meant as a catch up day with naps and prep for back to work Monday. Sometimes, its come on the eve of another holiday so that you can possibly slack off or goof off more than normal! So, this is my #SublimeSunday (inspired by @c0ff33a) and #BeautifulSunday (initiated by @ace108) post to share how my week ended

This week, I invite you along with me on Christmas Eve Sunday.


Last Minute Shopping


When it comes to Christmas shopping, I generally stay out of the way and then sweep in at the last minute to save the day. Today was that day. I headed downtown on a grey and mild Christmas Eve day for a little last minute shopping and sew up of loose ends. There really should at least be a little snow this time of year but alas, no white Christmas here.

Foggy Dogwars


Next up was a trip to the dog park for my little guy. Yesterday got away from me a little and we didn't get to go to Dogwars so he was ready. With the soggy ground and mud he happens to love so much, there aren't many dogs these days despite it being a slow Sunday when everything closes early.

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Didn't slow him down at all though. Here is what a trip to the park looks like on the new GPS we have on him. They love to watch the line crawl and see how fast he gets up to. Apparently it was 27km/hour on one sprint.


Not sure why I am fascinated with burrs that insist upon staying on the branch in the winter. No filter needed with these little prickly beauties.


Lights On!


It didn't take too long for the sun to set and night to fall on the downtown core. The tourism organization has stepped up their game since covid hit and received grants to spice up the slow season with Lights On Stratford. The main exhibit is in town square with City Hall looming over it in the distance.

The Dandelion


This exhibit originated in Australia if I recall correctly and sure is photogenic. Plenty of parking around and it is great to see people visiting to enjoy.


The music and dancing lights are fascinating and even more so for the kids and those young at heart. I did shoot some video so maybe I will have to dust off my @3speak app and give you the immersive experience.


On the way back to the car, I had to stop and shoot a picture of this fantastic dress in the window of one of the galleries. I especially like the big drips of blood coming off the shoulder flares!

The Island


Pretty close to downtown, there is an island in the middle of the small lake where there has been exhibits in past years. The planets from last year appear to have returned with friends.


The planets did indeed make their return and I am reminded how far towards the top of that thing we are up here. No snow this year but still pretty cool.


Same island, neat new exhibit. This one is interactive and musical as well. Buttons on each of the lighted poles that activate a light pattern and musical feature. Some drums, some synth, and other noises that combine for a unique yet similar song every time.


Again, the pics are cool and surreal but don't do the exhibit justice. Foreshadowing a #hive video again and I hope it lives up to the hype.


Returning from Tom Patterson Island, I see the theatre up on the hill through the fog, perched like a crown. I wonder if they have the lights on in solidarity with the Lights On movement as they are in their sleepy season. Within a month and a bit, they will be back to running auditions and building productions.



On the drive home, one of the churches is looking a little ghostly in the haze as mass is probably in full swing. Nativity scene, old white guy statue and and the whole 9 yards!



There are some nice old houses in this town for sure and some of them really lay it all out for holiday decorations. You may actually be witnessing the dawning of a new family tradition as we took the scenic route on the way home to properly complete our quest of light.



I had to make one last stop to behold the local Griswalds. I am sure there are brighter and more garish display somewhere in town but these guys take the cake in our neighborhood. It is not only this season that they abuse their electricity but every holiday from Valentine's Day, Easter, Canada Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and most of all Christmas. This is Christmas spirit in one of its purest manifestations indeed.

Thanks for sharing Christmas Eve with your good buddy Zeke!



I am honoured to curate for:


Happy Holidays and Sublime Sundays to all this eve!

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