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Rethinking Rivalries: Gold Dust Finally Spoke!

Hey there lovely people of the Hive Universe! It's your wrestling boy P, always happy to bring you content and updates on everything WWE, WOOGame, and Wrestling Worldwide.

I hope you know Cody has also got a family?

And yes, according to his entrance music,

"Wrestling has more than one Royal Family".

The Rhodes family

Speaking of which, Dustin Rhodes(Gold Dust) has been silent all this while as The Rock continues to play villain against Cody, and his entire family leading to Wrestlemania 40.

We were all wondering if Cody's family would get involved as the entire Family of Roman is.

It has finally happened guys!

It's likely Gold Dust may be preparing to return to WWE to support his brother (biological) to fight against the bloodline.

Gold Dust introduced new tag team titles at their wrestling school and announced some upcoming matches, which is awesome.

However, at the end of the video, a statement he made about “The Rock” caught my ears.

f**k The Rock

It was quite surprising to hear considering that Dustin does not talk much about the Rock or WWE.

It’s remarkable how things can change though. These days Dustin works with AEW, whereas The Rock and Cody are in WWE.

Both companies are competitors in the wrestling industry so when someone from AEW mentions a person from WWE like The rock it becomes a big deal!

It would be really awesome if AEW and WWE could come together for a special event such as WrestleMania 40 to support Cody Rhodes.

Cody wants to pay tribute to their father, Dusty Rhodes, who was an icon in wrestling and not just WWE. It will be fantastic if both companies can unite for such an activity.

These moments would be breathtaking for me as a big fan of wrestling.

It is like when your favorite superheroes join up in a movie — just dope.

More like Marvel and DC make a Movie 😂

Thor and Superman

In addition, it will make a mark in the history of Wrestling.

I really hope that something of this kind will take place. This will go a long way in paying homage to the legends of wrestling and making fans like me truly happy.

Tell me what you think about it by dropping your comments below!

Thanks for reading, y'all!



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