Bron Breakers Message On Smackdown Live.

Hey there lovely people of the Hive Universe! It's your wrestling boy P, always happy to bring you content and updates on everything WWE, WOOGame, and Wrestling Worldwide

Let's talk about Bron Breakker.

He just recently finished with NXT, where he lost the tag team titles on TV.

Now it’s Friday Night SmackDown for him and he is starting with soft matches. He is doing well but talking big saying that he is WWE future and coming for all the top guys.

Seriously speaking, I think Bron Breakker has what it takes to be a banger in WWE. He has talent, good looks, and confidence. His ring work supports his promos which sound solid. Moreover, doesn’t hurt that his family has some pedigree in wrestling too.

I have watched some of his matches; they showed me potential in him. As a matter of fact, he moves well and does some fancy stuff as well as appearing comfortable on the mic.

It’s still very early for him at this stage of his career, but if he keeps getting better at what he does best and generating heat amongst the fans then maybe one day far into the future, we could be seeing him vying for the top belts.

Sure, at the moment he’s just beating lesser-known guys, but that’s how WWE grooms up new stars. I think if they take their time and let him grow organically, then he could be a big player in the industry.

I’m excited to see what Bron Breakker does next with his career. If he continues working diligently and not losing sight of what’s important, I don’t know where it will end for him in WWE. Anyways, I always like it when new people come up and make a name for themselves; probably Bron Breakker can do it.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below!

Thanks for reading, y'all!



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