AJ Styles and LA Knight at It Again On Smackdown

Hey there lovely people of the Hive Universe! It's your wrestling boy P, always happy to bring you content and updates on everything WWE, WOOGame, and Wrestling Worldwide

I've been closely following the feud between AJ Styles and LA Knight, and it's really heating up!

It seems Styles believes the fans have over-hyped Knight, which has led to some wild incidents, like a reported home invasion last week on smackdown live.

Can you imagine?

Now, they're on a collision course towards WrestleMania 40, and I have to say, I'm really looking forward to seeing how this all plays out.

So what about last Friday?

AJ Styles didn't trust that LA Knight was really not in the building, even when Aldis had told him not to show up.

They had some fun with disguises, and then Knight surprised Styles and gave him a beatdown.

While­ a longtime AJ Styles admirer, I'm incre­asingly appreciating LA Knight's captivating charisma and magnetic stage pre­sence.

His mic skills enthrall audie­nces, electrifying the­ arena.

I truly wish this match at WrestleMania does deliver because it could very well lift both of their professions.

Contemplate the potential effects that it might have on their future within wrestling! It is a big moment for each of them and I am looking forward to seeing how everything turns out.

Hopefully AJ Styles and LA Knight will put on a memorable show during WrestleMania.

It’s going to be epic!

What's your take on this segment?

Drop it down below friends

Thanks for reading, y'all!



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