I Found Wrestling On A Blockchain - Introducing Myself


Hi everyone, I am a newbie here on Hive, but I have been a fan of wrestling since forever. You can call me TheRingMaster.

I would like to tell you something I discovered recently that got me really excited.

Since childhood, WWE has always been my favorite and I have watched it religiously over the years.

So when I came across this thing called Hive Blockchain, my interest was piqued.

While browsing for new blockchain games, I stumbled upon this thing called Hive. And I thought it would be nice to mix two things that I love; wrestling and gaming. That’s how I found the WOOgame community on Hive.


The instant I laid eyes on it, I knew I had to be a part of this. Just think about it guys an entire society centered around wrestling; what’s not to love?

So that’s why I’m here as TheRingMaster, ready to take a chance into the world of blockchain-based wrestling.

I've downloaded Discord solely for this community, and it has been worth every megabyte, not that I'm a greedy maniac or anything 😁

Meeting other fans, discussing all things wrestling, it’s just going to be so great. One of them just dissed me on Discord. I said Acknowledge Roman Reigns as the Tribal Chief and they sent a Gif of Cody Rhodes the new Undisputed Champion 😂

But here’s why WOOgame and Hive Blockchain have me so hyped up.

At the start of everything, WOOgame appears bright to me. I did my homework about it as a game for wrestling fans like me and it looks like this could change things.

The concept of gathering and exchanging digital wrestling cards is just so thrilling; we might even get to challenge other supporters!

And also, being in the Hive Blockchain community is great.

Though I’ve never been a part of anything quite like it before, everybody’s been really nice and friendly here. It's fun being in a place where I can talk about my love for wrestling with people who share that same interest.

It’s not just the WOOgame community on Hive that has me so excited.

I’ve been all over their social media too. TikTok, X and many others. It’s amazing to see how many wrestling fans there are out there that support one another in what they love.


With WOOgame and Hive Blockchain I truly believe we can make this industry even better than it already is.

The possibilities are endless and I’m thrilled about where this journey will take us.

So yea, that’s why WOOgame and Hive Blockchain have got me so pumped up and ready to blog my fingers off.

If you’re a fan of wrestling like myself then give it a look because who knows maybe one day we’ll be facing off against each other in the ring.

  • Until then keep on wrestling.


Thank you guys for the support and making Blockchain technology and wrestling communities a reality.

I'm making so many wrestling friends, thank you guys


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