WOO - Hive Tokens as Rewards in Popular Games - Crypto Adoption Proposal

Greetings to everyone on Hive,

It's @skyehi and I'v been thinking of a brilliant idea to help contribute to the Hive Crypto adoption project. As more people buy and hold the Hive Token, its value will rise.

Original Image Source by Alexander Kovalev from Pexels

Mostly when I talk to people about when the Hive token's value would rise, they come up with good points like, more people will be joining the platform through on boarding and word of mouth. Of course as people discover Hive, there's no doubt that they would end up loving it.

Yes, Hive is not perfect but I believe it's still great enough to compete with the giant social media companies like Facebook and Twitter.

However after thinking for a while about ways by which the Hive Blockchain and its tokens could spread and be seen by more people, I came up with an idea.

Maybe this idea may not be new on Hive I'm not sure but I think it's a brilliant idea.

There are a lot of powerful and popular games out there with millions if not over a billion fans. We've got popular games like Grand Theft Auto. I don't know if you managed to catch a glimpse of how fast GTA 5 sold the moment it was released ten years ago but the company made over a billion dollars the moment they released the game.

GTA has quite a lot of fans and the company got so much attention with just its announcement of releasing GTA 6 in 2025 after over a decade since GTA 5.

We have other popular games like Call Of Duty, Fortnite, Minecraft, FIFA, Need For Speed, PES and Assassin's Creed to mention just a few.

Now one thing we can be sure of is that all these games may just end up becoming Play-to-earn games just like the games we have on Hive which includes Wrestling Organization Online, Splinterlands, Terracore, Rising Star and now Holozing.

Rockstar is rumored to be working on a P2E feature for its GTA 6 which could have been one of the reasons why the company had to reschedule the release date of the game from 2024 all the way to 2025.

Since we're sure that P2E functionality will definitely be integrated into these powerful games, what if the rewards the games can earn from playing the game could be in Hive Tokens instead of other tokens.

Imagine if the Hive Blockchain can successful collaborate and work with giant game companies to have Hive tokens as the currency gamers earn when they play these games.

With such a strategy, millions will immediately be aware of the Hive token and the Hive Blockchain. Just imagine if the entire fan base of just GTA and Call Of Duty alone start owning Hive tokens and buying Hive Tokens.

This would skyrocket the value of Hive through the roof. Now guys, how's that for Crypto Adoption.

I believe this could be a great idea and a great way to increase the users of Hive's Blockchain. P2E functionality in these games is an eventuality, Hive just has to be in the right position of becoming a Cryptocurrency to earn by these gamers and Hive would get bigger.

One other idea I had was to also integrate the Hive Tokens into more faucets claim sites. There are websites that allow it's users to claim a tiny piece of crypto tokens let's say 50 times a day in 5 minutes intervals or different intervals.

I used sign up to a lot of these faucet sites and I earned mostly Bitcoin Satoshi from there. Those sites made me earn my very first crypto tokens. Imagine if Hive was part, I would have discovered Hive token earlier.

One thing that gets a lot of reach is Gaming. Having P2E functionality in games creates an attraction for anyone who wants to earn money. When you build a great game and include P2E functionality, you create something really beautiful.

It would be a brilliant strategy for Hive to focus more on making very good P2E games that will make the Hive Blockchain more popular.

Players get to enjoy the game and still earn rewards which makes the entire gaming experience worth their time. P2E is certainly the future of the gaming industry and if Hive can pull this trick off, I believe it could be the plane ticket that would send Hive into a great future.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read today's blog. What do you guys think about this idea?

It may not be easy to implement, but it would be totally worth it.

Here's a challenge for you. What's your favorite game inside and outside of the Hive Blockchain?

Well my answer to that is Wrestling Organization Online is my favourite game on Hive but outside Hive, it's GTA.

Can't wait to hear your answer to that challenge. Merry Christmas in advance guys ๐ŸŽ„.

Have a lovely day and catch you next time on Wrestling Organization Online. Bye guys โค๏ธ

If you are excited and want to join the WOO game online, I'll share the link below guys. ๐Ÿ‘‡

Link to the WOO page below ๐Ÿ‘‡


I also took the liberty of sharing the community discord page so you can get to interact with your new WOO family on discord. It's a pleasurable experience joining the WOO Discord community. That's were you'll get your wrestling belt as a member. Bye guys โค๏ธ

Link to the WOO Discord Community ๐Ÿ‘‡

WOO Discord Community



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