Just some quick thoughts on how the WOO land sale and the upgrading of the cities will affect the $WOO token as I believe the question isn't "how much land you should buy", it's "when/how should you acquire $WOO tokens?".

Knowing that millions of $WOO (about 4.5 Million - not including the 1000 plots given to staff) could be burned during the entire WOO land sale paired with the constant reminder that players will need a lot of $WOO or not have enough $WOO to facilitate (all if not most of) your land activities/upgrades the buy pressure could surge.


Land buyers wanting to save $5 on each plot of land (by burning 500 $WOO for less than $0.11) and token holders looking to stock up on more $WOO for trading and land based opportunities will give some bullish energy to the market.

It has been mentioned that players need about 100,000 $WOO to have their land fully maxed out (not including the NFTS that will be staked or burned to provide extra boosts) which seems to be about 10% of the initial goal of the total amount of staked $WOO of most players. (though players will be unstaking and burning $WOO on land upgrades, there will be more $WOO released into the game to be earned through game play, contest, and actives.

The rewards for airdrops and mining will have already ended (ends in July 2023) once game play starts or even once land is able to be upgraded and that could possibly keep the staking APY around 20%-40%).

At this stage I'm not a fan of filling buy orders, I'd rather wait on sell orders despite the warnings of not having enough $WOO. Personally I would wait and buy my big bags when the price is under $0.0002.

If I were coming in the game for the 1st time Friday, March 17th, 2023 (the day of the general sale) I would look to see what I could do to start a $WOO faucet with the options to supply liquidity or find a way to convert other currencies that are being earned passively into $WOO daily/weekly.

Building up a passive bag at these early stages of the game seems to be very overlooked because all of the attention is on land itself and not what to do when it's time to maintain the land or actually look for an ROI in game. None of this is financial advice, just written down thoughts about game strategy for land.

  • More info on the WOO General Land Sale HERE

  • Where to find referenced material that has everything you need to know about WOO in depth is HERE

  • Join the WOO Discord HERE

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