WOO Land Strategy Series: The Rural 2-1-1 ⭐

This series of posts aims to cover simple strategies for each WOOPARTSUN land combo (27 in total). The series was inspired by and incentivized by @wrestorgonline's Zealy system (formerly Crew3), which you can join using Discord or Metamask here.

Land 2-1-1: The niche rural village


🤼 Overview, odds & stats

Possibly the worst 4-star. The only thing it has is a teeny 2x boost to Fan %. Extreme "meh." Your odds of pulling any 4-star are 15% or about 1 in 7. There are three 4-star combos, so this exact NFT's odds are roughly 1 in 21.

PopFansPeopleWealthWealth perAvg base demand

Wealth per city citizen = (Fans + People) / Wealth
Avg base demand = (People * 0.01) + (Fans * 0.55)

Figures derived from information posted in WOO Land: Complete Utility Guide. These may change once the game is live for balancing or other reasons. DYOR!

🤔 Interpretation

It's a wasteland, except for some reason, there are a few more wrestling Fans out here. This provides a small bump in Average Base Demand and doubles the Fan population from 25 to 50.

Not too much to work with, admittedly. This land could be a half decent place to try and farm freelance wrestlers, but attracting shows could be tough due to the limits on Population. However, with a really tight upgrade strategy you may be able to squeeze some extra value out of that 2-star stat.


🕹️ Strategies

1️⃣ Use it to capture long tail. Like the 1-1-1 land, there may be situations where the "good" land isn't available for in-game shows or is exhausted or inaccessible for some reason. If you have some modest upgrades to Population or Fans in play, you may be a viable option for newer or more casual players with simple organizations to run.

2️⃣ Sell it. Current floor is $14, and WOO sells packs for $15-20. Clearly the "sell for a reroll" mentality is a thing, and I'd expect it to continue for as long as there's an ample supply of WOOPARTSUN packs around.

3️⃣ Farm freelance wrestlers. There's been mention of a mechanic where you can earn wrestler NFTs from the game. A Training Center and upgrade plus an organization's Scout stat impacts the odds of attracting unique wrestler NFTs. The 2-star Fan rating on this land will improve that even further.


🏝️ Land characterization

A remote village far from any major city. There must have been a history of wrestling here at one point though, because the folks here are pretty into it. There's probably an old arena or hall where amateurs throw shows, and occasionally people will host small events where they might watch some wrestling on TV. It ain't much at all, but everyone has to start somewhere!


WOO skews a normal distribution to make high-stat land harder to pull (makes sense, right?) The most common pull is a 6-star land, with 7 different ways the stars could be configured.

🔎 Index of all the posts in this series

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Thank you for reading. The image at the top of this post is property of Wrestling Organization Online. Art for the Hunting Midnight banner below was built by me in Canva, using the Hunting Midnight original cover art.


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