I won some land! + A brief land strategy discussion

It pays to pay attention to what's happening over on the WOO Discord Server. Oftentimes, @wrestorgonline staff will spin up some giveaways or other fun. Today I answered a trivia question quickly and won the land plot shown above šŸ˜


ā­ The 3-3-1 configuration of stars means that it's a small, rich town with lots of wrestling fans. You can get the deep dive details about WOO land utility in this post.

My WOO Land strategy

While each stat is important, in this early phase my focus is on Wealth.

šŸ’° Every star of Wealth gives the land a 10x multiplier in its total wealth, which underpins its ability to earn passive income in the game. The wealth also determines how many buildings you can build on the land.

šŸ‘Øā€šŸ‘©ā€šŸ‘¦ Population also has this 10x per star thing, and I think in the long run this stat may become the most important for passive income. It basically raises your maximums. But I think it will take some time for users (on average) to build up shows big enough to make use of a 3 star population (baseline of 1,000,000 people + fans). Also, there will in theory always be a cohort of newer players who run shows that can work just fine in lower population lands.

šŸš© Fans isn't 10x for each star (rather, 2x), but Fans in your population have a 55x spending rate, so it's probably good that Fans doesn't 10x each star, heh. How many Fans end up at shows is tied to some RNG factors.

(Again, visit the link I shared above to dive deep into all these factors and ow they translate to passive income through the game.)

So when it comes to upgrades, I'll probably prioritize loosely as follows:

  • 3-star wealth
  • 3-star fan with 2-star wealth
  • 2-star wealth and fans with 3-star pop

There's also strategy for those 1-star lands for farming "travelling wrestlers" but I haven't fully wrapped my head around the math (said math isn't even out yet, if I recall)... so I also probably won't spend all my $WOO on land upgrades before the game is actually out, haha.

If you want some land, the General Sale is live!

Buy here: https://play.wrestlingorganizationonline.com/land-sale

  • Cost: $20 of L2 Hive crypto (tons of options, including SPS and DEC!)
  • You can also pay with fiat (buy WOOBucks via PayPal)
  • 500 liquid $WOO = $5 discount

šŸ‘‰ (500 WOO costs $0.11 at time of writing...)

If you've any questions, happy to chat in the comments or on Discord!


Thank you for reading. The image in this post is property of Wrestling Organization Online. Art for the Hunting Midnight banner below was built by me in Canva, using the Hunting Midnight original cover art.


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