WOO-ing Your Way Through Perry Saturn’s Wrestling Adventures in Japan!

A Big Hello to all WOO Fans! 🥳🥳🥳 WOO!

WOO's OG Wrestling Promo Partner, Perry Saturn @planetarypro has written another post at last! His posts are quite rare and I appreciate hearing his own words talking about his vast wrestling experiences over his long and storied career.

This latest post from Perry offers a interesting glimpse into the challenges wrestlers face on the road. Here are some highlights from his Japanese tour in '95 which I've summarised in point form below.

Weather Challenges

  • Constant Rain: Nearly every day for a month, heavy rains caused street closures and flooding.
  • Earthquake Aftermath: Post-earthquake, highways and major roads were destroyed, making travel incredibly difficult.

Travel and Food

  • Bus Life: Spent up to 20 hours a day on the bus due to destroyed roads.
  • Food Struggles:
    • Convenience stores were often the only food source.
    • Yakitori (chicken on skewers) was common but undercooked, raising salmonella concerns.
    • Northern towns offered limited options like curry or raw squid.
    • Highway rest stops occasionally provided hamburger steak or uncertain beef.

Drinking and Sleep Deprivation

  • Beer Supply: The bus was stocked with beer but lacked food.
  • Sleep Issues:
    • Sleeping on the bus became uncomfortable and difficult.
    • Jon, a loud and cheerful drunk, kept everyone awake.
    • Attempts to drug Jon with Halcion, a Mexican sleeping pill, failed as he remained unaffected.

Craziest In-Ring Experience

  • Unexpected Earthquake:
    • During a match with Jado and Gedo, an aftershock struck.
    • The audience, opponents, and referee rushed to the doorways, following proper earthquake procedures.
    • Perry and Jon stood bewildered in the ring, the show abruptly ending.

Tour Conclusion

  • Tensions and Relief:
    • By the tour's end, everyone was on edge and needed a break.
    • At the airport, they reflected on the tough tour but felt grateful to be heading home.
    • Acknowledged the ongoing struggles for the Japanese people in the aftermath of the earthquake.

Well, I think we can say that Perry’s recount of his '95 Japanese tour makes for a most interesting story doesn't it? From battling the elements to handling unexpected quakes, it’s clear that life on the road for wrestlers is as challenging as it is rewarding.

For those of you who are interested in reading the entire post in full, please do go to @planetarypro/my-war-japanese-tour-of-95 and show his your support with a like, follow, and reblog! I'm sure he will appreciate it too.

Well, that's it for today. We will continue again tomorrow! 😁 WOO! 🎉

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