My 29th HIVE Power Up Day May 1st 2024 βš‘πŸ”‹β€” WOO is finally (soft) Launching today! πŸ€‘πŸŽ‰

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HELLO May 2024!

It's the 1st day of the month and that means it's HIVE Power Up Day again! πŸŽ‰πŸš€ Just like that, a third of the year 2024 has gone past us already! πŸ˜±βŒ›οΈ

Even with the sudden drop in crypto prices, especially today when BTC "crashed" down to $56k, I would say that most people who've weathered through the deepest of the bear market of the past 2 years are still solidly in the green. With the next BTC halving also having just occurred recently, I would give an educated guess that the future is still very bright for all of us over here. Hopefully, that extends to HIVE itself as well! πŸ˜œπŸ“ˆπŸš€

Another month in this year has gone by in a flash! I've joined HIVE since November 2021 and I'm still learning so many new things everyday! I first heard of Hive Power Up Day in January 2022 and all its other acronyms (PUD, PUM, PUH πŸ˜‚ what a mouthful) and I've participated in HPUD every month since then!

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  • I've attained yet another PUM badge for the month! πŸ“…πŸ₯³ (at least 1 post/powerup everyday!).

Ever since I started with the HPUM initiative in 2022, I've tried my best to faithfully make one blog post everyday in an attempt to get the Hive Power Up Month badge. I've managed to make it successfully for 9 out of 12 months in 2022, and then improved on it in 2023 with 10 out of 12 months! I will be attempting to get as many as I can again in 2024! πŸ₯³πŸ’―


Another successful month of making at least ONE post a day with 100% to HIVE powered up (or powering up 1 HIVE). πŸ₯³

This makes it 3 months (thus far) where I managed this achievement THIS year (2024).

Blogging regularly and having the HPUM to incentivize me has other tangible benefits too! I've seen my Hive Power grow quite a fair bit. This seems like a good practice which I intend to continue keeping up with!

In my VERY FIRST month before before I ever heard about Hive Power Up Day/Month, I was at just 47 HP 😭 (Before Jan 1st 2022).


This month, before I've even powered up anything at all, I'm already at 9293 HP! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

That's how consistent blogging on HIVE, with (mostly) 100% allocated to Hive Power, improved my HIVE account!


And NOW... AND its POWERUP time! ⚑️πŸ’ͺ (1st May 2024)

Once again, I only have enough HIVE set aside for a 10HP powerup, but I'm sure with my continued efforts to blog with 100% powered up to HIVE, I will be able to grow my Hive Power even more!


Using , I was able to pull out a chart showing my daily account growth for the past month too. Great to see that orange graph head upwards continually πŸ“ˆπŸ˜„! If only my stocks portfolio and the price of HIVE looked like that too πŸ˜‚πŸ€‘.


As always, I usually make just the minimum powerup of 10 HIVE. This is because there are so many projects that I'm now invested in. The HIVE ecosystem is so much bigger than what I had thought it was when I first joined. I believe my constant allocation of most of my daily posts being 100% powered up is sufficient to grow my Hive Power daily. The rest of any funds from HIVE will usually be kept for other projects that are of interest to me (on HIVE of course 😁).

As always, I'll like to explain that the reason why I do not powerup every single bit of HIVE/HBD I get every month from my blogging is because I like to keep some liquidity around to invest in HIVE projects that I feel have some potential.

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It is no secret by now that quite a bit of my extra funds lying around HIVE has been channelled into the Wrestling Organization Online aka WOO project! πŸ€‘


I am pretty sure that almost all of WOO's early backers and die hard fans, myself included, have been waiting for the WOO official launch for quite some time. Unfortunately, there has been quite a few unexpected delays too.


It is said that patience will be rewarded and whether by design or sheet coincidence, WOO has just made an announcement that the game and it's $WOO rewards have been soft launched today too! Whilst the announcement has not been made official yet, it is but a matter of time.

Anyway, I am really looking forward to WOO's OFFICIAL launch this year. I wish them all the best! πŸŽ‰

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I'll see you all again during the next Power Up Day next month with another update! Till then, See you and WAGMI! πŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ¦πŸ’ͺ🏻

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