Worldbuilding Prompt - 6 - kingdoms and their power structures.

Worldbuilding Weekly Prompt


Daily Prompt

What kind of power structure does your country/kingdom/futuristic society have?

The northern shores of Glednumbria (But really, Avajja Island near Igloolik)


The power structure of Glednumbria is of the traditional human style; hereditary monarchy.

I don't have my notes in front of me as I write this, but I have envisioned the monarch family of Glednumbria as having ruled for about 4 generations, with the current King being a much weaker leader than the previous three. He is struggling to keep his kingdom united, but it's working. He is slowly becoming a better leader. Hopefully fast enough to save his neck!

Okay, found my notes. Turned out there isn't much for notes. A name I'm not overly fond of (King Kevan Reganfar) and some notes about the land for a totally different direction for the Glednumbrian storyline to go. It has to do with the humans basically becoming super racist and kicking all the other races out, then realizing it was the strength of unity and working together that made all the races of Apandi so prosperous and powerful. Except for goblins. Goblins gonna gobble.


Anyway, I think my "new" idea for Glednumbria is better and has more potential for a TTRPG group to have some fun in that area. A King in need makes for some good quest bait, whether your party is full of Clerics and Paladins or the usual Murder Hobos and Thieves. Fun to be had on both ends of the spectrum. I like the idea of playing with a group that's going to help the king become a better king, but I have a feeling my time would be better spent prepping for a king that's going to be replaced by someone the players deem more worthy.

Courtesy of Pixabay user stevepb


The gnomes are lead by an elected Matriarch upon the death of their current Queen. Being long-lived creatures, it can be quite an extensive time in between rulers. But when it is time to elect a new Queen, the Gnomes will close off their politicians inside the main government building until they have unanimously agreed upon a new ruler.

A quirky thing about how Gnomes choose their leader is that often alliances and allegiances prevent any one clan of Gnomes from electing a representative from their own clan. The unanimous decision often forces the Gnomes to make a compromise and elect someone at random. Sometimes they legitimately pull the name from a hat!

Elves and Humans that have been lucky enough to witness a Gnome Coronation say that it is a highly amusing fare. The newly-elected queen is often blindsided by her new regality and usually looks out of place, often coming fresh from the mines, still covered in black soot only to be clothed in the finest silks and beautiful gold jewelry.

I have run out of writing steam for today so I think I will end this here for now. It's not a race, right?


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