Worldbuilding Prompt - 5 - Dungeons and their Prisoners.

Worldbuilding Weekly Prompt


Daily Prompt

How are dungeons and prisons designed?

What is life like for a prisoner in one of these places?

Screenshot from 2021-05-01 06-39-29.png

I am not much of an artist, but I wanted to do a quick map for this prompt. Lamenting this, @Oblivioncubed showed me a slick program online that allows you to build somewhat hand drawn dungeon maps really easy, it's called Dungeon Scrawl and you can find it here:

So I immediately made a small prison in an extremely short amount of time! The above photo took me about 5 minutes to make and that includes fixing some errors! The below photo, adding some bones and bedrolls to the prison cells, took an additional 10 minutes. But let's be honest, that's because my crummy internet had to load a few megabytes of assets! 🙃 I didn't choose to add my own assets, but there is the option to do so if you want to add more game assets like different chairs, more beds, fountains, food carts, etc.

Screenshot from 2021-05-01 06-51-35.png

"Sir, I think I found the staircase," Slenn said to his mentor, pointing towards a staircase that leads down two floors.

Alabaster stepped up beside the slender human and nodded the teen forward. As Slenn reached the bottom of the staircase his torch illuminated a small chamber blocked by a thick reinforced wood door. Flanking the door to either side were painted bronze statues. One of a hangman, the other an executioner with a large axe resting in his arms. "Excellent work, Slenn. Excellent."

"I had a feeling that map was of human design, sir," Slenn said with a bit of pride. "Us humans tend to go for function over form."

"Right you are, Slenn," Alabaster said, the elf descended the staircase with ease and started looking the door over, checking for magical wards or traps. He soon identified at least two wards and a dart trap, one of the wards was an older and simpler spell, but the other was of a more recent design. And Alabaster noticed that the dart trap didn't have a lick of dust on it. "But don't be so quick to sell out your race, your human Wardens have some of the most beautiful defense spells I have ever seen. And I studied with the head Elf Warden of Borute on the three borders during the Ant Rising back around the 150's."

Alabaster gestured for Slenn to retreat up the staircase while he dealt with the three traps. As Slenn left earshot of the Elf Wizard, Alabaster whispered to himself "Beautiful, but extremely delicate." He pushed his energy forward, erasing the two wards from existence before they could trigger. The dart trap was crumpled into the wall, the mechanism destroyed by the force of the energy blast making a muffled crunch of wood. "It is safe now, my apprentice. Come, but be on guard. Ready your cantrips, focus on them so you can draw on them as easy as you breathe now."


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