Worldbuilding Prompt - 4 - How does Magic or Tech complement your Castles?

Worldbuilding Weekly Prompt


Daily Prompt

How does magic or technology affect your castles and fortresses?

Well, in the human territory of Glednumbria, the castle and fortresses are more conventionally manned and operated, but I do have two other races that possess some unique properties. My idea for a race of Wood Elves and for the race known as Gnomes. Admittedly, my Gnome idea is not unique or groundbreaking. In fact, it's rather derivative. But I actually really like the way most Gnomes are done.

Courtesy of Pixabay user Prettysleepy


My idea of a Gnome race consists of dwarves that have transitioned to mechanical muscles. Skinny, steampunk dwarves. These creatures are considered a lazy off-shoot of the Dwarven race, but their elaborately engineered machines have allowed them to carve out a niche on the planet that is uniquely their own. They live in a vast mountain range that is practically devoid of all the usual things that dwarves love, mainly gold and precious gems. But it is rich in iron, tin, copper and other useful metals.

Now, because Gnomes used to be Dwarves, there are still aspects of dwarven culture that they value. Like a thick roof over your head made of stone. As such, the Gnomes still live within the mountains, much like dwarves, in hollowed out caves. Creating vast underground walkways and chambers for all sorts of activities. Gnomes are not much for fighting, preferring instead to wall themselves in when trouble rears its ugly head. It is common to find huge iron doors that can span an entire cavern in order to close it off from danger. Or, if the danger is already there, close the danger off to prevent it from doing more damage.

Courtesy of Pixabay user atanaspaskalev

Wood Elves

The Wood Elves of Apandi are a unique bunch. Rarely will you see one away from their the boundaries of their kindom due to the magical properties of the plants in their forests. The wood elves cultivate three unique species of tree and two vines that allow them to grow an entire structure over the course of several years. The long lifespan of Elves have allowed this section to utilize nature in ways that appear magical to others. And, to some extent, it is magic. The trees and vines used to grow the homes are gifts from the Wood Elf Goddess, Dresumel. The plants were given to help the Elves survive the eruption of Mount Kaneznuba. The unique mix allows for a wooden main framework for a house with interior walls made out of a different tree. The windows and doors are covered with the vines to grow. This set up allowed the Elves to ride out the deadly black ash spread all over the land afeter the eruption, with the layers of plants acting like a filter for the Elves living cocooned within.

Of course, this transfers to their fortifications, as well. Wood Elves do not use dead wood in their buildings. It is used for bows and tools, but never for building structures. This means that each and every Wood Elf fortress is grown from the saplings of the five magical plants. Wood Elf fortresses can be considered smaller by most other races, but the Wood Elf fortifications are always growing. No need to source building materials. Simply wait.

You may be thinking "Well a good dose of fire will solve that problem." But you would find that the Wood Elves have thought about that. Atop almost every Wood Elf building is a large wooden cistern of water that are connected to a unique hollow vine. They often use these water systems for daily amenities, but they also double as an excellent fire suppresant.


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