Worldbuilding Prompt - 12 - The Craft Of The Gods

Worldbuilding Weekly Prompt

Horrors and Abominations

Daily Prompt

What is one of the most popular ghost sightings or stories in your world?

What makes it something that people remember?

Broken sea ice in a Glednubrian bay (Taken north of Igloolik, Nunavut)

Korojoko, The Demon Of The Lake

It is common knowledge of the Glednumbrian adults that Korojoko is a mythical creature that doesn't exist. The Korojoko is a bogeyman that reportedly steals misbehaving children. It is used on small children with the purpose of keeping the children away from thin ice on the sea ice as well as frozen tundra lakes. The Korojoko is said to live in deep lakes and prey on young humans that get too close to the edge of the ice. The creature attacks from below, breaking the ice and dragging the person below the water, never to be seen again.

It is said that Korojoko kidnaps children to use them as slaves to clean the seaweed out of its hair. It stuffs the child into a big leather sack filled with air and takes it deep into the water to a cave where it lives. There, the child is forced to comb the Korojoko's hair to remove all the seaweed matted into it. After the child completes this task, the Korojoko kills and devours the child.

Courtesy of Pixabay user 12019


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