Worldbuilding Prompt - 11 - The oldest settlement in Glednumbria

Worldbuilding Weekly Prompt

Notable Locations

Daily Prompt

What is the oldest inhabited (or previously inhabited) location in your setting?

One benefit to falling behind on prompts is that I get to pick and choose which ones I do! As far as the "oldest inhabited location" in my setting, Apandi, that title would have to be given to the Elven capital, Apandia. It has been an inhabited city for over 10,000 years, with only the recent eruption of Kaneznuba disrupting its habitation for a few hundred years while the dust and ash settled onto the world.

Taken near Igloolik, Nunavut. I like to imagine that ancient Glednumbrians used dwelling like these in the past.

But I want to talk about Glednumbria

The humans of northern Glednumbria are hardy people that live on the treeless tundra in the northern reaches of the kingdom. They harvested walrus and seals from the frozen ocean waters between the islands that dot the northern coasts. Near the town of Widows Bay lay some of the oldest known stone foundations in all of Glednumbria, with habitation being estimated to 12,000 years ago. The stone foundations were the base of the small dome dwellings of the proto-Numbrians. The frames of the domes were often whale bones, with the covering being various animal hides. Most often Seal or Walrus hides that were not suitable for garments were used as the covering of the dwelling.

The settlement outside of Widows Bay is known as Sisuulik and the 40 odd ruins of individual structures suggest a settlement that numbered around 200 to 250 people. Junk piles that have been uncovered by archaeologists from the Apandia Universities have estimated that the settlement was inhabited for at least four generations of proto-Numbrians.

An effort was started by the new King to help the Humans uncover their history after the destruction wrought by the eruption of Kaneznuba. This has caused the Universities of Apandia to show an increased interest in exploring the vast wilds of the Glednumbrian Tundra, for a fee.



My previous prompt entry

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