I, E-Hunter

Hey, folks!

How are you, feeling good? Enjoy your day? I am sure you do. If you don't agree with me, try to remember 3 good things that happened to you or that you did today. Isn't it good?

So, you are in the right place. Because I need someone to show my E-trophies, or electronic trophies (e.g. associated with the use of electrons' properties) hunted for @barbara-orenya, and the next round of her AlphabetHunt. It is always fun and joyful and surprising to search and to look what the other fellows have found. I.am.not native English at all so I also learn a lot while hunting 😎

And we set off!

~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~



Here, I am sitting at the edge, or at the end of the rock, but the focus is this is Cabo da Roca, or Cape Roca, a cape which forms the westernmost point of the Sintra Mountain Range, of mainland Portugal, of continental Europe, and of the Eurasian landmass. (Wiki)

The edge of my world I have never been outside of ... That was a very cool holiday! My first and only visit to Portugal, and I very much hope to go there again...


Entrance, please Enter


My daughter and Nick are standing at the entrance to Π΅he St. Brigit's Convent, a monastery located in the outskirts of Tallinn, Estonia. It belonged to the order of St. Brigitte.

Ruins of the monastery are very impressive. I remember the day when we visited it, it was extremely cold, although it was the middle of June, and we put on all clothes we have. Well, the North is so ... or what do they say? It is not a bad weather but bad cloths. Like that.




Oh this basket of eggs! We went to the village on my last visit to my mother at the start of this month. My mom has a house there where no one lives. But our neighbors are very nice and kind people. They have few chickens and sell eggs at the farmers market once in a while. Because of the lockdown our neighbor could not get to the market, besides all markets are closed. So when she saw we came, she presented us with these eggs. It was so sweet!





Who hasn't eaten don't blame me.

Two years ago in May, I decided to try a gym. I never tried their "courses", so everything was new to me. On my first visit, I filled out a form, and it has one tricky question" "What is your desired weight". the question looked pretty simple and I honestly wrote an answer. Later on, I figured out that they consider that weight as my (and their) goal for the end of the course (2 months). Obviously, I was put on a harsh and cruel diet with exercises 4 times per week.

My husband wasn't deep in the details of my gym visits. On the next day he came home with a proud and happiness on his face - he brought me these delicious hand-made eclairs!





Mother Nature is the best painter, sculptor and inventor. This imaginary land is Cappadocia, Central Turkey.


Once, it was covered with big and small volcanos. During 20 million years they covered these lands with tuff. Easy to handle, volcanic tuff was the basic material for this fancy landscape, and the Erosion did all jobs.

Another place that I still dream to visit again...




I handled my very first incredible hot air balloon flight on my trip to Cappadocia. A bright and exciting experience like that has a big drawback. After it, you are not interested in flights above the plane and ordinary valleys πŸ˜†πŸ˜


But where was I. If you are a tourist, you just pay good money and local guys do all job. Some of them need particular skills and real efforts.


While we were taking photos with our diplomas and drinking champagne and pomegranate juice, these guys had to pack everything and load into minibusses and trailers. They worked very quickly in concert like ants. Great job!


The End. The Exit is over here:


P. S. I hope you enjoyed my entries. I look forward to hearing from you!


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