Smiling With an Open Heart!

Namaste to all #phonography (Phone Photography) lovers.🙏

Nothing much to write today but pictures have been clicked with great feeling. Because for the first time, I had actually seen this flower blooming in a tiny wild plant growing in the grass at my feet. You can estimate its size by looking at the pictures below. It grabbed my attention because firstly this small yellow flower was shining differently on the green grass and secondly its yellow shade is the same which I like in yellow. However, in photos, it does not look the exact same but still Yellow colour in almost all shades spreads positivity, hope and happiness.

So seeing this tiny flower in the grass near my feet, I stopped and bent down to look at it closely, it was in full bloom and despite growing on the path of walkers, I felt this flower was satisfied with joy that it had not yet been trampled.

In the last few years, I have seen many people leaving this world whom we could not even imagine. When life has to end, it will happen all of a sudden and we will not be able to do anything even if we want to. So it would be better if we live each day of our life smiling with an open heart. :)

Thank you for visiting my blog and reading it. Generally, I keep writing blogs on life, nature, gardening, food and travel.
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  1. English is not my first language. So sometimes I use 'Google Translate'. Please don't think that anything I have written in this blog has been copied from somewhere or is AI-generated.
  2. Boarder Image by Freepik
  3. All gifs are created by @untilwelearn
  4. All the other content images and words are mine unless otherwise stated.

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That's all for today.
Have a Happy and Blessed day!

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