Phonography / Phone Photography Contest - 18

Hello everyone ,

How are you ? I hope you have an awesome day today that better than yesterdays.

Phonography / Phone Photography Contest - 18

This is my entry for Phonography / Phone Photography Contest - 18 hosted by @untilwelearn

You are always welcome to join this contest . CHECK THIS LINK for more information .


This photo was taken in BEDOK . I was actually in hurried to meet up with friend win this area. Im not really familiar with this area and have to used google maps to walk around . While walking , this building green enviroment attract me and i have taking quick photo of it .

While walking on the street , you can see this place was so clean as expected common place in Singapore . The neighbourhood was look calm and of course they are very friendly , especially the seller . ;).

Im using Huawei P30 Pro the old version Huawei phone with its wide lense which was 0.5 x zoom from the normal lense . As i remember this wide lense was the first version wide lense being used in phone long time ago before it become popular now.

Personally i love how it can take the wide angle but i have to be extra carefull to make sure it didnt make the distortion especially to subject like people while using it because it ll result funny photo. :).


Can you spot i have spot at this place , yes . The DURIAN !!!

For durian hunter like me , just smell the durian will make me getting crazy . The only things that make me getting crazy frenzy was the price was expensive (at least for me ) and the good news , i ll coming home for the durian this week , i ll eat as much durian as i want at that time. :).

Thanks for stopping by , i hope you have a wonderful day . See you in another round.

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