Photochain Challenge: 140th Edition

Hi everyone 👧.

This is my entry for Photochain Challenge: 140th Edition for the key subjects of TREE and CAR.

To know more about this contest, you may click the link HERE.

By referring to the above picture, my other key subject for the challenge is COLOURFUL.

I took pictures of this colourful building while I'm waiting for my Mum, to call me to fetch her up from the public hospital nearby. That time, my Mum had her hospital review and I wait at the parking area in front of this building.

I remember that before this building was painted colourful, the building was accommodation for the public hospital's nurses. The government had sold this building off to a private business owner. Then, the private business owner operated this building as a colourfully painted building homestay for tourist accommodation.

Now, the homestay business had closed down. This colourful building was advertised for rent and still no people staying there currently.

That's all. Thanks for reading my post 🤗.

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