Phone Photography Contest 12 - Meowing Cat

Having a phone makes taking photos in an instant , now with this contest made me more aware of the surrounding.

Just this morning when I passed in a parking space I saw a cat lying under a parked car . Immediately I decided to make it my subject for this weeks contest.

Good thing the cat was not scared away when I was getting closer to take a photo. I was very calm , it even meowed when I called it "ming ming" ( this Is how we call cats in the Philippines).

I took a couple of shots , and to my surprise I caught one when it was meowing. I'm not to familiar with the shutter so I'm just happy I click at the right time.

This is my entry photo for this week. I hope you will like it.

Thanks you for stopping by, hope to see you in the contest.
Here is the LINK of the Phone photography contest.

Have a good day everyone!

Phone : Vivo V17
Location : Philippines

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