Phone Photography Contest #10 - The Bees in the Palace

Hello everyone , another week to show what we captured in our little handy machines.

For me personally , taking pictures in the open is better ,than inside building. More things can be seen and the light makes the photo a little better. And also in the outdoors there's a higher chance that you will see something interesting that is worth taking shot .

During our tour on the Grand Palace of Thailand, I saw this vase with lilies on it. Nothing much to see but the two pink flowers of the lilies. But as I get closer and closer those two flowers have something happening on their petals.

The whole place is a very amazing, all the beautiful building and patters on the building is eye catching. But once I saw what's really going on on those flowers I can't help but to take a close photo of them.

My enrty

A lot of bees are sipping the nectar of the lily flowers, they were just there doing their business not minding the busy surrounding.

Can you agree with me that this is a beautiful subject for a shot?

I took many shots appreciating them, but I think this is my best close shot.

I hope you liked it, now It's your turn to show you phone captured photos, so excited to see them in this weeks PHONE PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST

Thanks you again for dropping by, see you in the next one!

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