Phone Photography 15 - Flowers in the Yard

Good day hive friends, another week for phone photography lovers. For this week I will be showing the photos of the flowers in our yard. I think the rain made this flowers come out, they are really beautiful in their own way.

The colors of this flower are so nice to see in the eyes. First is this yellow flower from the Potulaca.

This plant have a lot of colors , It comes in red, pink, white and yellow. I know that there are more colors available but this are just the one that I saw. My wife wanted to collect all the colors.

While taking a photo, our cat also wanted to be in the frame, she is meowing so I granted her wish.

And one of the flowers that we have in our yard is this Chinese Chives, this was locally known here in our place as " Kutsay " . I didn't know that this plant also have flowers to be honest. This is my first time seeing them and they have a very beautiful flower.

And I'm just curious if there are other flower colors of this plant, please do share it if there are.

My wife have more plant in our yard but they are yet to have flowers , hoping this plant will have flowers soon so I can share it again.

This concludes my entry for this weeks contest.
So excited for entries of other participants too.
Have a good day everyone, see you in the next one!

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