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Looking For Letter L

The Alphabet Hunt this week is for the letter L. @alphabethunt is hosted by @barbara-orenya.


  • Large

Large means something of considerable size, such as, the following rock or pile of wood.

A large rock I saw by the Wood Islands Lighthouse.

A large pile of wood in the yard to be used for winter heat.

  • Labor, Logs

Before the birth of a child, a woman goes into what is called labor. I don’t have any photos of giving birth but I have one of Hubby in a different type of labor.

Labor refers to the physical activity used to produce something, such as, the work required by Hubby while sawing the logs into smaller pieces.

He is using the wood splitter to get the wood ready to use for winter.

  • Lakeside

Sunrise at Skiff Lake. This is the view from the deck at my sister’s cottage.

It is a crystal clear spring feed lake and near my childhood home.

  • Lamb

A sheep in it’s first year is called a lamb. These lambs are totally black. I saw them while driving by a farm.

This black faced sheep may be a little older than a lamb. Certain birds hang around the sheep and eat insects and ticks off the back of the sheep. It’s a good relationship as it benefits the sheep and the birds get a tasty treat.

  • Lavender

Lavender plant is both a flower and a herb. It smells divine and is known for it’s relaxing, soothing properties. Lavender is sometimes stuffed in sachets and placed in closets or pillow cases to help in getting a good night sleep. It’s often planted near vegetable gardens to attract bees and other pollinators.

Painted Lady butterfly on the lavender plant in my garden.

  • Livestock

Livestock is commonly defined as domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to produce labor and commodities such as meat, eggs, milk, fur, leather, and wool. Wikipedia Source

Cows enjoying a peaceful afternoon in the pasture.

Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada.

All photos taken by me unless sourced.

That’s all folks, my six words starting with L.


Animated Banner Created By @zord189

Courtesy of @derangedvisions
