Phonography / Phone Photography Contest - 20

Among the lush green forest comes a tree with unique flowers. The tree stands majestically with its beautiful, charming flowers. When I approach it, it is as if the tree is saying to the surrounding environment that I am the beautiful and superior one among you. Look someone we never knew came to visit me and took a picture of me too.

From a distance the flowers look like cotton balls stuck on a tree. I approached it to see more details, it turned out the flowers and their shape were quite unique. What is visible from the view is only the white flowers, while the green ones are covered by the green background.

When the wind approaches, the unique flower turns into a parachute. One by one the seeds flew with the gentle breeze, the seeds floated through the air like parachuting participants taking part in a competition. But unfortunately I couldn't capture that beautiful moment. I just really enjoy it.

My entry for the Phonography/Phone Photography Contest - 20 hosted by @untilwelearn

Camera usedrealme 7 Pro
LocationAceh, Indonesia
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