Phonography / Phone Photography Contest - 10

This is my entry for the Phonography / Phone Photography hosted by @untilwelearn

Hello everyone good evening wherever you are, how are you tonight? Hope you are fine wherever you are.

Yeah, I am here again to enliven the favorite contest organized by @untilwelearn. Waiting for Monday to arrive feels very long, like waiting for someone on the side of the road hahaha. And finally it arrived.

Among the thousands of green leaves were a pair of beautiful flowers in bloom, they had a very stunning appearance. So when I saw that I was attracted to him, could this be what is called falling in love at first sight? I don't know either, when I saw the flower I was immediately interested in approaching it. The appearance really stunned me and I don't want to change it.

Apart from its stunning color appearance, its shape is also very attractive. The flower petals are lanceolate in shape and the crown resembles a papilion which is neatly arranged and also very dense so that the flower looks like a bushy fox's tail. So that you are not curious, let's look at it together below👇

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