Husky Puppy Love🐺🐾♥️ - Photochain Challenge 105 📷 ⛓

Hello, Friends!

One of the best things about photographs is being able to look back at how our loved ones looked when they were young. Not just our two legged loved ones. Puppies don't stay small for very long, especially those that grow up to become larger breed dogs. Take our son's Siberian husky, for example.


This devilish little angel joined our family back in June 2020 and we haven't had a moment of rest. Our hearts are overflowing with love for her ever since!


When I look back at how stinking adorable she was when we brought her home I remember her sweet puppy breath (wish that lasted longer!) and how she'd run zoomies through the house, jumping back and forth from the recliners to the sofa too fast for any of us to catch!


Siberian Huskies should come with a warning label attached to them.

It would read something like this:

WARNING: Sharp teeth attached will cause accidental bleeding while playing. You no longer will sleep past 6 am. You will never need to set your morning alarm as your pet replaces the wakeup. Must walk several times a day, 365 days of the year regardless of rain, sleet, snow or a heatwave. Craves attention and hates being alone. Howls randomly and loudly. Fur will always be on your clothes. Laps belong to the furbaby. Shows love by licking and kissing. Everyone is considered a friend. Highly intelligent and requires mental stimulation. Raising me takes a village.

And lastly... it will be love at first sight!♥️


♥️We love her so much!!!♥️


📣This week the PhotoChain Challenge KEY-SUBJECTS are

'RED' chosen by @adinapoli and 'DOG' chosen by @servelle

🎉Congratulations on your wins!🏆🏆

If chosen, my key word is

~ TOY ~

The photo below is my entry to PhotoChain Challenge Edition 105 hosted by the wonderful @davidesimoncini



Learn more about the contest and detailed rules by clicking

👉 here👈

Images taken with Samsung Galaxy Note S8 and edited using Prismart

© 2022 Nina Haskin. All rights reserved

Thank you for taking time to stop by and visiting my blog. I truly appreciate everyone's continued support! Stay positive and live your best life!
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