An affair with "The unspeakable yet comprehensible voice of Raindrops" | Phone Photography -15

Imagination may be virtual in the first place, but it has all the potential to trigger thinking, contemplation, and later on manifestation.

With the onset of the monsoon, my locality has been receiving heavy rains for 4 days. I love the rainy season the most because it arouses my dormant mind and inspires me to make a new start and hustle hard in life.

It was 05:45 AM when it started raining heavily yet again. And what sight to behold it was. I immediately rushed to pick up my smartphone and took a few shots. Seeing how the drops are becoming the pearls of life was amazing. How lively they are!

The rains and the spluttering of raindrops over the rooftop, draining over the grooves of the roof, and subsequently falling off into drops again and later on becoming runoff is not just a meteorological or hydrological process for me; I draw philosophy of life from raindrops. Every single drop of rain constitutes the music of my life.

The trajectory of rain and the dynamics of raindrops offer a new alignment of life.

The raindrops and their sounds push me to pursue my intuition to think on a different plane, it punctuates my inner conscience and becomes the rhymes of my life.

It may not be possible to articulate it in words, but it is not less than a poem or literary work either.

language has different forms. Every single creature is bestowed with the ability to make certain sounds. Nature has its sound as well, as as the raindrops.

When we want to write something we generally contemplate the content side. Just like we have content, Nature has its content as well. But there is a fundamental difference between the two.

Humans have a state of mind- "mental". Nature's state is "non-mental". Humans have speaking content whereas Nature has non-speaking content. But if you want to scale up the ladder of Meditation, and self-realization, you have to become a keen observer and a good listener.

Allow the non-speaking non-mental content of Nature to seep into your mind, body, and soul and achieve the state of thoughtlessness(the state of Meditation) and see Nature, Plants, Raindrops, and everything that exists around you. How lively they are!

ॐ ईशा वास्यं इदं सर्वम्, यत् किंच जगत्यां जगत

उस किंचित में भी भगवान है

The raindrops may appear as mere drops of rain, and their making of sound after coming in contact with the rooftop may sound trivial, but on a higher plane of consciousness these drops are full of life, they have content to whisper.

I am increasingly becoming a keen observer of these raindrops and developing a fine sight. मेरा मौन शब्दों से मुखरित हो रहा है(my silence is becoming vocal with the sound of silence, sound of drops, sound of Nature).

Lao Tse(Taoism) कहते है यह पूरा अस्तित्व ताओ(ब्रम्हा) का प्रबाह है(entire existence is the influence of Tao (Brahma). There is nothing which can be rejected in this influence.)

According to Lao Tse- कण कण ही ब्रम्ह है (Non-duality)- The ultimate state of Self-Realization- "Samadhi".

यह बारिश की बुँदे और उसकी सुन्दर आवाज़ "कण कण ही ब्रम्ह है"-- इस दर्शन की साख्यातकार कराती है

These raindrops and their beautiful sound prove the philosophy that “the entire existence is Brahma”.



Detailed InfoDescription
DeviceRedmi 7, Xiomi
Location7R2R+JQ5, Odisha, India


This is my entry to Phonography Contest-15 by @untilwelearn

Thank you.


Original Photography using my Smartphone

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