Phone Photography Week 09; The Journey.

As the sun shone it sparks on my face,
it felt as though have for long been under the bellow of darkness, were you calling me unto this?
I gave a broad smile after hearing it ask,
Don't you like it?

Weekdays are long days when you're working tirelessly however, weekends are the longest days when you don't know what to do with it.

I was feeling antsy and discomforted for whatsoever reason that was unknown to me on that cool Sunday evening. It was quite a stressful weekday for me and because of this, i fore -planned to rest all through the weekend,which now seemed "Impossible Mission".

Guys, let's visit the Dam so, who's in? I inquired from my flatmates. It was as if they were having a none smooth sailing weekend like i was because, contrary to what i was expecting, neither of them gave an objection to my idea.

"Finally, today is the D-day, after many shifted,failing dates to visit the Dam in this locality",i rhetorically said.
We are kinda of new to the environment because all of us, came from a more urbanize area than this primitive society we found ourselves( that's a story for another day).

We journeyed to Dam by feet while doing some sight seeing and familiarising ourselves with the environment and resident ( villagers).

We got there at late dusk and the ambience of the Dam met well with our imaginations if not surpass it,which made us to forgot the fewer regrets we had while trying to find our way down there 'cos it was indeed a long journey.
There was a lot of " Waoooh " on our lips and a few "yeh" and "ouch" caused from our legs and body pain the following day.

© Medemausi

The pictures are mine.

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