Phone Photography; Paying for the Prize at a Price.

The pains we sometimes suffer and endure while trying to surmount a milestone at a particular phase of our lives is nothing to compare with the joy that overwhelms our souls when we finally get there.
But come to think of it........
Is it the prize that stirs up such feelings?
Or is it the ordeals that we were able to overcome during the process that birth such a swelled time?

Assertively, the prize we got is next to nothing but,the price we paid for the prize is everything and that, is the source our of joys,the root of that rapturous-feeling.

This shot was taken during my orientation camping in a far away State from my home.
After singlehandedly deciding to travel that far and journeyed for almost 20hours,I can't but feel happy and at the same time proud of myself.

(P:S- Orientation camp is just a prequel of National Youth Service Corp(NYSC). It's a necessary requirements all holders Educational Degree within the Federation Of Nigeria must meet to fulling bag it. Its goal is to foster unity and cohesion among diverse ethnic group in the State)

The picture is mine!

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