Phone Photography; Breathe!

Absorbed in self guilt and fear
That paralyzed the vigour to keep the banner high,
Thoughts of how foul i played myself tripped me off,
Off i went,landing on the cold hard floor.
In distraught i screamed,renting my garment into shreds,
I casted lots on the remains, a piece of me felt maimed as i gazed at the readings of my chances of survival.
How faulty could i have been? Unlucky me! still faulty at forty.

I had it all planned out but this? Played a fast one on me.
The tides flowed at a different course this time,
Here i am at the bank of the river, tied me to a well knotted, knitted unpredicted predicament.
Howbeit, the deed has been done. Can i undo it? I desperately wished i could. The knife has cut a child, she then threw it away out of spite,
Does that change the fact, she now has a wound to nurse?

Should i just wallow in my pains, that should at least pays a chump change of relief to live at the moment.
However, forever is far too long, at times too short and most times not promised to be a dependant on such momentary oasis.

Hewn and crushed down yet they rushed back to their feet
With a little soil,watering and weeding,they’re everywhere again,
With a good amount of fertilizer down their roots,they mount and grow fat and fine.
Now they’re rooted and can’t be rooted by anyone
They wag their branches whenever the wind whacks at them,
They've successfully get an hack of the situation,
And wouldn't ask for too much other than to grow.
The rain that put the cats and dogs on their heels,
Heeds to them after hearing what became of the wind.
They're at peace,they found ease after all.
They found a way to breathe again.
Why not find your’s?

Look beyond it all and breathe!

© Medemausi

The picture is mine!

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