Phone Photography; At The Mercy Of The Sun.

I was already having a rethink about, if to go with them or stay behind and continue with my nap because I dislike walking under the sun unless if the situation is unavoidable. And as it was, the sun wasn't taking it lightly too that very moment.
Sis Dorcas, it's time to go ooo, my flatmate chorused.
(Don't mind the Sis, I'm not a convent and i don't plan to become one anytime soon. It just a mere honorific word we use among ourselves)
I don't want to turn her down so I said, "Okay, I'll join you both shortly".
I took some few minutes rolling side by side on my bed and wishing the sun would dim its brightness by the time I finish dressing.

Apparently, a colleague of ours was indisposed, we wanted to pay her visit at her home after we heard she has been discharged from the hospital.
As we stepped out I immediately used a scarf to wrapped my head so that I wouldn't end up with headache( that has overtime helped me) at the end of end of the day.
As we proceeded with our journey by foot, I saw some wonders of nature.

The first wonder is that of the sloping ground while the second is the palace of the king.

Wondering why that is a wonder? The reason is because ever since have relocated to this locality, have always passed by the palace(usually in a vehicle)
have never waited or stayed in front of it.
I think that was what made the edifice of the building new and strange for a locality like this. It's like the finest building I have seen since my stay here.

I enjoyed the journey back home because the sun withdrew from it wrath and chose to be merciful, lol.


The pictures are mine!

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