[Ecency Art Contest 2] WANTED!


I decided to support the Art Contest that was organized by @melinda010100 to promote one of the best communities on the Hive platform. I already submitted one video that is actually just the start of my big project.

I have some illustration ideas, but I am really bad at drawing, so I decided to make it a little bit funny. So, I created a poster, that I hope will encourage more people to participate in that amazing contest.

I haven't met any warm and friendly community like Ecency. And I really appreciate the work that Ecency developers did and do to make that platform better and better. Every time I think there is nothing else to add because it is already perfect, Ecency team implements something new. And it motivates people to support that community!

There are already a lot of amazing entries for that contest, but I am sure that it is not the end. I am sure that there are a lot of talented people who can create something special. And there are a lot of talented people who are worthy of being noticed and rewarded!

Good luck to all participants!

The post was published via @Ecency. Ecency is one of the best communities and posting platforms on Hive Blockchain!


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