Phone Photography #6 ||| Plus A Lilly Visit To The Hospital

Greetings, 🥰🙏friends, this is my entry into the photography #contest that can be found Here click the link to learn more about it.

Taking photos with my phone is one of my hobbies as it is a fun and interesting activity to do. So, when I find anything that grabs my attention I'm always happy to take a shot at it.

Three days ago we were at the hospital to get my son's check-up, and while we were waiting to open his file with the receptionist I couldn't help but notice this Pink statue seeds well placed in front of her cubicle.

I admired the vase, for its dark brown smooth body as much as the flower on it.

IMG_20240429_102105_587.jpga closer look at the top

Coming out of the reception is this beautiful view.

Same picture in a different color, I applied some color to it on my photo app and I love the purple outcome.


Walking towards the gate is the Agave tequila. This is my first time seeing it, maybe I failed to notice it before during my previous visit to the hospital.


I love how they were arranged in such a row and got trimmed downward. If care is not taken one could think it is a pineapple.
This one was standing alone with the leaves well spread, looking so fresh and beautiful.

After a little Google search, I learned that the popular tequila drink is made from it, hence it has a high economic value.

Taking a little time out to take these photos made me feel better because I was a bit tense and emotional due to my son's health. I guess that should be one of the reasons for decorating the hospital premises with beautiful flower plants as it has a significant way of helping people who come around, especially, patients and their families feel a lot better than they were.

So, can you tell me which one of the shots is your favorite?

Thank you so much for visiting my blog, this will be all from me for now.


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