phonography/Phone photograph contest-18

Greeting to everyone! Belive you are all feeling good today.

Monday for market survey and sight seeing.

It another Monday out here and people are going about thier normal businesses to make ends meet.

This morning while going for a market survey and sight seeing, at around 7am the sun has already risen with a great radiation but still at that people do not mind they kept on doing thier businesses both in large scale and small scale.

This singular act really toched me cause i wonder how they survived with such a small business in this economy.

Peope selling provision are not left out they go about selling thier goods, beckoning to customer to come patronize them.

Just to be sure about the price of an item i came in contact with is egg distributor i made an enquiry on the price for a creat of egg and i was shocked to be bone the qnswer i got. He told ke that a creat of egg is now sold for #5500 as against 3000 just within a week. Since i can get the egg i took a picture of it to share with my wonderful people out there

Though the survey and sight seeing is exhusting but i enjoyed it cause i was able to have adequate knowledged on some prices of goods and commodity

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