My entry for phone photography contest #19

Meeting up my target and pleasing my client by providing an outstanding job.

I will be sharing how my day went with you all. It has been a hectic and fulfilling day. I woke up early enough, to say my prayers and do my house chores.

As a lady, i started my day by cleaning my space to make it sparkling clean and free from germs by sweeping and mopping the floor.

After that, i set out what i will be needing for the day. Although the weather has not been friendly lately here so i prepared myself from home.

I took along with me 3 water bottle to keep me hydrated cause water is a great therapy for the body and moreso, i consume alot of water.

There after i picked my jam box cause am a lover of music and due to the shortage of electricity here i also went with my power bank to keep me company while working.

After all set and done i headed for my office. Although i have an order to deliver this weekend for a client who is preparing for her marriage. She asked me to help her with her weeding bouquet flower. I asked her for her colour code which she sent to me.
I went to the mall to get the materials and with some few hours i was able to finished her order and do some other works i have on ground. I am very happy about how i was abke to managed my day. Though it was stressful but it worth it.
This is the final piece of my work.

This was how i spent my money making monday.

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