entry photochain 121

i figured the chances of finding an onion near a door handle were slim to none so i took a couple of onions, one red and one yellow, in my pocket and went out searching for door handles

i found seventeen (hmm 17) altogether but i won't bore you with all of them, just a few highlights. oh, and i forgot to mention that i took a door handle with me just in case...

that sure is an original way of turning on the water tap. i wonder who concocted that solution

i met this awesome looking girl and tried to chat her up. seeing how she was dressed and all i assumed she couldn't possibly be shy but to my surprise she never muttered a word no matter what i said. it was totally frustrating so i was racking my brain for a way to get her to open up. suddenly it dawned on me how. but in the end i decided it was better not to try, i mean who knows what would come out of her if i did.

ah yes. now that's what i was looking for. this old door from the 1750s still has its original handle with a perfect place to put an onion. of course the original onion from that time had to be replaced

my key(word) to this door is RUST

if you feel inclined to join in this challenge, please do. i would love to see more entries. here is the link:

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