Phone Photography Contest 09 - Thank You for the good harvest

This will be my first post on the community as well as my first entry to the phone photography contest which is run and managed by my great friend @untilwelearn. : ) Finally, I made it, hahaha

If you wish to join and follow the contest, please kindly read and follow the rules and the guidelines in this announcement post of Phone Photography Contest - 09

I took the photos that I will share today when I went home to my parent's house, and then when I arrived there I learned that my mother was preparing the offerings for the Dewi Sri (the Goddess of Prosperity) for the good harvest that we have. it seems that my father had finished harvesting the rice paddies in all of the rice field he cultivates. He doesn't own any land, but only work as the cultivator, so the harvest was split between the land owner and my father, but still we do the offering for the good harvest, as part of our gratitude for what the universe has given to us, especially to my father.

My entry is this first photo of the small figurine made from a type of plan leaves which represent Dewi Sri (the Goddess of Prosperity) on top of the rice grains that were taken during the ceremony when the harvest was done, you heard it right, we have a small offering when we do the harvest in each location.


Here is all of the offering that was prepared by my mother that day.

here a closer look, you can see the white cone that was made from cooked rice which symbolizes the Mount, especially Mount Mahameru.


The whole offering from a different angle.



A closer look on one of the offerings.


We also have fruits, snacks, and sometimes grilled chicken as well.


And all of the harvest was under the black tarpaulin, under the whole offerings. My parents have to cover them since my uncle has so many loose chickens, and often times they will feed on the grain. Need to protect the precious harvest, isn't it?


And this one well called Mesaagan , and offering for all the bad spirits, other unseen matters that we in Balinese Hindus call Bhuta Kala. We give them offerings as well, so that they will turn from bad spirit into a good one, and then helo to protect all of us.


Another shot of the small Goddesses Figurine, and the grain under her.


Photo StylePhone PhotographyAccesorynone
LocationBali, IndonesiaLightingnatural light
GearInfinix Note 30 Pro PhoneDiffusernone
I am a Balinese man, a father of a toddler son, working in the hospitality industry, who has recently found a passion for macro photography. I want to share the photos that I've taken here on Hive. I appreciate any comments or feedback you leave on my posts and kindly invite you to be part of my journey in this vast Hive Ocean. Thank you very much
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