Phonography / Phone Photography Contest - 06

I feel a range of emotions making this post and that's because I lost a colleague recently. She was full of life and energy but was struck down by Cancer at age 50. She had fought tirelessly for the past two years to stay alive but cancer is always a difficult opponent and it was as devastating as it comes, when it eventually happened.

The photos were taken two years ago when we attended a send forth party organized for one other colleague, for meritorious service and she had dragged me aside for some photographs, because she was as much fun to be with as she was beautiful. Mrs B as she was popularly called took the painful exit too soon, and just two weeks to her first daughters' wedding 😭. She really wanted to be there even if it was the last thing she ever did.

Mrs B is in purple and dark sunglasses, and yours truly is in pink gown and when we took these, I didn't know it would be our last together. A month later, she became very sick and was diagnosed with this deadly disease, which led to her demise.

My heart remains heavy at the tragic turn of events.

I never knew this would be our last photos together.

RIP MRS B, we will really miss you.

All photos are mine.

Thank you @untilwelearn and @ecency for this contest.

You can participate in this contest here

I am @edith-4angelseu and thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.

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