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Alphabet Hunt Challenge ~ Letter O

This is my entry in the Alphabet Hunt Challenge by @barbara-orenya. You can read more about the Alphabet Hunt and how to join in HERE!

Here are my six (or so) photos representing the letter O ...

1. Opalite
My first entry is Opalite which is a man-made stone. It is featured here in this collage that I put together along with some edits. The un-edited Opalite can be seen in the lower left hand corner of my collage and is marked "The Original". If you meditate then you may want to consider having some Opalite on hand as it is said to remove energy blockages of the meridians and chakras. I love it mainly because it is a very pretty stone! 💖

2. Ocean in Ocean City
I took this photo of the ocean while visiting Ocean City, Maryland. I took it from the 14th floor balcony of the condo that my family was staying at. It was so nice to sit out on that balcony and just enjoy the view and the ocean breeze!

3. Old
This old headboard came from my parents garage. My sister was going to throw it out but I saw beauty in the old piece and brought it home to give to a friend. My friend has a stall in an antique shop and I knew that she would love to have it. She fixes and paints items such as this and puts them up for sale. She was very happy to have it. I didn't get to see the finished look but it did sell rather quickly. I didn't even remember to ask what it sold for. I was just happy that she could do something with it and that it went to a good home!

4. Owl
I saw this gorgeous owl at the Marshy Point Nature Center in Baltimore County, Maryland. It is one of the taxidermied displays there. A lot of the pieces are donated and the animals had passed away from natural causes or accidents. It is featured here with a couple of edits that I did which I think turned out nicely.

5. Olives
Is it too early (or too late) for a martini or two? I'm asking for a! I normally have these and some black olives in the house. Have you seen some of the stuffed olive selections available at the stores now? Some of them are stuffed with so much stuff that it's a wonder you can even taste the olive! I like these the best along with non-pitted olives. I use the black olives in my homemade pasta salad and regular salads when I make them.

6. Old Bay
Old Bay Seasoning is a staple here in Maryland and a must have for crabs and authentic Maryland crab cakes. You can use it for so much more though like chicken, fries and anything your heart may desire to use it on and (guess what?) most Marylanders were sprinkling it on potato chips and popcorn even before you could go to the store and buy chips with it already on them.

Check out this Old Bay Hot Sauce that is a Limited Edition item! Honestly, it sells so well that McCormick & Co. (the makers of Old bay) should just offer it as a non-limited item.

It's pretty good and I really like it on chicken and fries then I dunk them in some Bleu cheese dressing! Yum Yum!

That brings us to the end of this edition of the #alphabethunt but we'll be at it again soon for the letter P after a short Summer Break! 🙂
Thank you @barbara-orenya for #alphabethunt!!