RE: I is for...

This is a cool selection @gingbabida ! and you even add photos to make it the right count, this is lovely of you, this would not have been a problem, because it is not a judged contest, you just have to keep in mind the interest for your readers and the fun for you, make a balance, and normally it equals 6 photos, 6 words...LoL I'm joking, but no joke on the fun part, please have pleasure to do the challenge, always 😊 😉

I LOVE the Igorot proposition that makes me learn something new and their costumes are soo colorful and pretty, not talking about their faces that are pleasantly delightful is that..? _

I know the durian fruit only by the external aspect, as I've seen some in the fruits shop in the exotical fruits, but never saw its inside, and I have to say it's ugly 😁 , but I believe you it can taste delicious, because taste and aspect do not mandatory get along the same path 😄

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