Phonography / Phone Photography Contest - 16

Hello everyone today I’m participating in the phone photography contest for the first time. For this I thought of sharing my this year’s birthday pictures that i clicked by my iphone 15 pro max.

I know that everyone is posting about nature in this contest but I thought why not share my own pictures coz surprisingly I clicked them myself by using a tripod and phone timer.

As you can see i kept a red themed birthday shoot this year coz I really wanted do a red themed shoot , I decorated everything in red also I ordered a red cake as well.
This year i turned 27 which is a quite weird age. When i was 17-18 always thought by 27 I’ll be married and would definitely have 1 kid by then, but now that I turned 27 i still feel I’m not fully ready for marriage or kids, i still feel like I’m a teenager which is weird coz I’m in my late 20s now.
But i guess we all feel like a kid in our hearts but the numbers don’t stop for anyone. Anyways I actually had a really great birthday this year. Hoping to find a suitable man soon so i can get married before 30 lol.

Here the link to the contest if anyone wants to participate.


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