[Investment Insight] Where's Willy?

Where's Willy?
Suddenly, you remember a favorite game from your childhood (?), "Where's Willy?".
Where is this Willy we're looking for?

A 1987 picture book by British illustrator Martin Handford that captures the spirit of the era.
(by TreeWiki)

The Willy here is the abstract/symbolic or concrete goals, small and precious or large and grand, that we each hold in our hearts.
A picture is like an example of the worldview we live in.
Many things, events, and people exist and relate in a narrow or wide time/space. It could be the news, or a conversation with a stranger on the street.
At first, we set out to find Willy, and then he ends up in the wrong place, enjoying the beach or selling his wares.~.
Finding Willy seems to require a high level of focus and the willpower to avoid a lot of distractions.

The great discoveries, achievements, and biographies of successful people often begin with small observations and realizations.
It's like Yoon Dong-joo's poem that ends with the words, "Even tonight, the stars are fluttering in the wind.
While traveling, I kept thinking of Vincent Van Gogh's "The Starry Night" amidst the splendor of the Palace of Versailles in Paris.
How did they find their own Willy on a beautiful night with countless stars?

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