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Are You The Boring Jack?


As we were being conveyed back from school today, a group of students had a heated discussion inside the bus to which I wasn't paying much attention until I unconsciously heard them talk about studies and a break off studies
There was this particular girl among them that said she does read and also takes a break to watch movies too. And she concluded with the statement or better still proverb that says that;

All work without play makes Jack a dull boy

And relating what she said to this proverb, one could tell that she does have some fun amidst her studies just so she won't get bored or become boring.
Well, to most of us, watching movies may not be our way of taking a break or playing as stated in the proverb. It can be any other leisure activity we do just to take a break from work.

Are You The Boring Jack?

Since this was all about Jack, permit me to address you with the name.
And can you honestly look at your life right now and respond;
No! I am not the boring Jack?
Can you honestly say that you aren't being too busy or caught up with work and activities that you forget to have some fun amidst everything?
Can you say you aren't working your heart and soul out and not giving yourself some time or a break?

You don't have to always get way too busy with life and its activities that your life suddenly becomes boring or you become a boring person.
We know we all are fighting for different things in life.
We have our goals, our aim, our visions. We aren't heading to the same place but one thing is for sure, we all have a desire.
But most the time, it's not always all about how much we work for what we want or desire but how well we work for it.
Slow down, take a break, and relax sometimes. Go catch a little bit of fun because if in the long run, you don't, you might become the boring Jack.

Still your baby girl ;)

To my faithful readers and wonderful sponsors, my heart goes out to you guys. Thank you for making my journey here a fun-filled and exciting one. Thanks for trusting and supporting my work too. I pray that God bless you all real good :)

PS: Images are mine except stated otherwise

             21 September 2021                   @                Tuesday