Bach Werke Verzeichnis 244

He has been having difficulties sleeping, again! The last time this happened, a severe headache had kept him all awake straight for 48 hours! Sleepless, dreamless two days, but she was there to make it all slightly more bearable! His Aphrodite!

For a few days, he has been craving a proper meal! The gooey processed meals of the dorm cafeteria he had been ingesting for so long had slowly made his taste buds go stale! From the outside, while sitting on the tables with the well-presented food in front, it was tough to imagine how unhygienic the kitchens could be! Even though he knew, there was no other alternative open for him!

Once upon a time, he had hunted for cockroaches in those kitchens, for fishing purposes! Catfishes love those ugly-looking bugs! They provide an angler with all of the drag one could ever wish for! The adrenaline, oh! If a not sufficiently experienced angler's bait is taken by a catfish over 20-30 pounds, there is a consequential risk of him getting hauled into the waters or squandering his fishing setup!

For as long as he resided in the dorms, he could not think of someone else who ate those cooked abominations and had not suffered food poisoning multiple times throughout their stay! But he did not once! Not once he suffered any stomach issues! For him, that was the most appealing takeaway from the cafeteria! But one can endure manhandled food only for so long!

So, in one evening of spring, he had decided to dine outdoors! In one of those fancy restaurants, he had passed on 7th street while getting back from his part-time job! Inside those shiny panes, there sat the people with thick wallets! People who leave tips more than what he made in a week! A lifestyle he despised and desired at the same time. Only so he could bring Diti here. The love of his life. Give her a life she deserved!!

After a short nap in the afternoons, I had found him sitting on the chair of my study table, looking far out the window! What he was looking at, to me, was very unclear. A stubborn northern breeze fluttered away the thin curtains, causing it to crumple against his face again and again, but he wasn't phased! The twilight slowly had died out and taken away the reddish glow on the horizon along with it! But his gaze didn't shift for once!

It was quite dreadful, you know! How it all ended! Suddenly, out of the blue, he talked, abrupting my slowly deepening trance brought about by the calm, subtle wind!

What was painful? I asked.

How it all ended!

I never meant it to end this way! he added without responding to my queries. What will happen to my mom now!

I could not piece together what he was talking about!

Is something wrong, Vupen? I asked again!

He replied in a very unusual manner! Something I had never seen him do in all the while we had been friends for!

Are you not listening to me, you dumb cunt! It is done! There is nothing left for me here now! he shouted out in an exasperated gasp and threw his fists in the air! And then, Like how the hail storms of winter last only a few seconds, he too had quieted down! But, that outburst was enough to have let me know something was wrong! Something terrible had transpired!

He stood up and wandered towards my bed! Shoulders seemed as if they were carrying bricks, walking motions only comparable to a defeated Olympian, he came up to me!

Before I leave, can you do something for me Sakib? I have no one else to go to, no one who will understand. he said!

I looked at him, at his eyes and found no spark of life in them. As if a parasitic spider had absorbed it out of him!

Where are you going? What happened? What are you talking about? I asked continually!

You'll know soon enough!

There is a necklace on top of the table along with my diary. He continued. Can you give it to my mother? I would have loved nothing more than to give it to her myself! And the diary to her, my Aphrodite! Tell her that I did not just leave her! A droplet of tear came out of his eyes.

I don't understand... he interrupted me before I could finish!

May I ask for one last favor from you? Can you give me a hug mate? It is so cold here! he shivered!

I could hear a haunting cry in his voice. Without asking further questions, which were seemingly futile, I stood up and extended my hands towards him! He felt cold! His hands, his chest and everything! And his clothes felt wet! I closed my eyes!

I kept holding on to him until my roommate had burst through the door!

Vupen is dead! he screamed in despair! somebody stabbed him!
I looked at him and again towards Vupen. And there was no one there! As if he had vanished entirely. I was hugging the air! My hands hung in the air in a circular motion!

What are you doing! My roommate asked in wonder! while looking at my shirt, he asked again, Is that blood?

Without proffering an answer towards him, I whispered to myself,

I know, my friend! I know.

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