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Some wound never heals the same goes for scars that have lasted for years.
Sometimes we humans become cruel to other humans forgetting the fact that something never goes away and some deeds are not forgotten.
Some people we see today are a product of what they've been through in the past.
Some are just carrying their scars and wearing them like clothes.

It doesn't feel so good to be punctured by someone very close to you, it usually takes a whole lot of time and energy to heal and to forget whatever it was.
It takes so much for children to forgive their parents if they have been bruised, hurt, and left with scars.
The same goes for siblings and even close and best of friends.


If you are one who for one reason or the other, you have been betrayed by someone, you have been hurt and bruised, if for some reason people have left a big hole in your heart, a scar that has not been healed then I wanna encourage you.
I know it's not easy and it might not be easy to let go of all the pains especially if the scars are still fresh and alive.
But more than the scars, the wounds, you deserve the peace of mind, and you can only do this by first forgiving them and trying as much as you can to let go of the pains and hurts.

You may have a punctured heart, body, etc, but you can still forgive and let go. You can still love again, you can still trust again and most of all, you can be happy again, just forgive and let go.


            19 September 2021