Which Cryptocurrency and blockchain have lowest transection fee?

We all as a cryptocurrency traders and investors need to do so many transactions on the blockchain everyday, every blockchain have its own minimum fee or a standard to perform a transection on the blockchain, there are thousands of cryptocurrency tokens and NFTs available in the market but not all are on the same blockchain or network

So many tokens are created on top blockchain like ethereum, Bitcoin, Polygon and SOL that's why it's very important to understand which token you are going to transfer and on which blockchain and network



For example every blockchain have its own rules and they charge transactions fee accordingly, they have their own terms and conditions applicable to all blockchains and cryptocurrency tokens or coins, you can transfer hive from binance to any wallet or sporting exchange with less than a cent transection fee but on the other hand gate.io charging there users more than 1 hive coin as a transection fee

Remember if you are going to do a larger amount of transfer always do some research or take a look all available options to decide which is a cheap, because at the end we need funds on another exchange so it's doesn't matter which crypto token or network we are using

I personally love to use hive, digibyte for transfers between exchanges and if hive and digibyte not available then I used XLM, XRP and Litecoin

So if someone asked me which cryptocurrency have lowest transfer fee I will recommend him 5 cryptocurrency in following order of preference if available






What's you experience about it which blockchain or cryptocurrency token you think have lowest fee to transfer funds from one exchange to another

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