What Do You Hear About Rage | The Weapon Training Game Changer


It is now official, the recent rank update came to live yesterday after the end of season and now we have have one leaderboard to compete for, it now felt like we are back to default settings and competition will be way tough because everyone will want to rank higher and stay in top 50 so as to get the extra dec reward especially those spending tons in card rentals, already seeing some changes here and that actually usher in more win ratios. Based on this week battle mage challenge, we are to use the equalizer rule set which take the highest monster health and give it to all monster cards on board, most times I'm not always bothered with this rule set since so I just focus on other rule set available but most times I always make sure I use cards with strong strength so as to be able to destroy the enemy card more faster with each strike.

So I had this battle with Ding990 in a 60 mana capped with the following rule set, equalizer which is the main rule set, tis but scratches which give all cards the cripple ability and lastly is the keep the distance which allow only range and magic monster card only in this battle. I had to pick dragon paired with water element since I have a summoner with +1 magic attack, I had to pick Djinn Oshannus as my frontline since it is magic/range battle and this card possess void which reduce magic attack, phase which evade attack from magic and forcefield which take 1 damage from card with 5+ damage, I placed Prismatic energy next to it with same void and magic reflect ability. I heard how good the new dragon monster card is Rage especially with the weapon training so I had to place it between baakjira and merdaali guardian and with the 4 magic attack they will really be useful in this particular battle and lastly is chaos dragon with scattershot and blast ability.

Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 17.26.51.png

battle link

Checking out what I picked, I submitted the battle so as to see what my opponent had in store for me, the two non attacking cards got +3 magic attack plus 1 from the summoner but the opponent still reduce all magic attack by 1 which still look cool to me because they are still useful and also give them more advantage over his mycelic slipspawn with forcefield ability and taunt ability so I destroyed it first, also I went all in with magic cards but he came with some range monster cards so when they came to the frontline position they couldn't attack ( more advantage) and with time I was able to destroy all his cards and won the battle.


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