Things We Experience In Brawl | Djinn Oshannus Vs Kron The Undying

The splinterlands ecosystem has been roaming with players engagement the pass few weeks especially after the lunch of soulkeep tower game, I still remember when they start selling the packs back then, it was as if a new form of investment was implemented and we had to wait to see the new wonders, the tower defenses game started it was really confusing at first because it require strategy and critical thinking, totally different from normal splinterland game, I even thought will be a battle games between players, as usual the last man standing but this time aroun we have to fight fiend (bot monsters in different levels) and with the health given, if those fiend manage to survive and enter your dome, your health will reduce and if it reach zero, it is game over for you.

Fighting in Modern league last season wasn't that amazing or fun to me, since they implement the wild pass and also increase the sps staked requirement, I just decided maybe modern league might be the new way but it is hard as if someone is still a beginner or maybe I didn't really build my deck for modern but doing that gradually. Last season, I had less than 30k glint very awful but I was still able to get some legendary cards, it was as if luck really smile at me, now at the edge of maxing both card, I just hope this season will bring similar legendary luck also.

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I watch one of my brawl battle today and I was imagining what my opponent might be thinking why selecting his cards or maybe he forgot the ruleset given, it do happen to me at times, I might be focusing on a ruleset without the hope of selecting cards that will favour that particular ruleset while neglecting and nothing giving it deep thinking that what he is picking might not be favourable to the other ruleset combo, we had 31 mana capped which is more than average to me with the following rulesets combo Even Stevens which allow only even mana capped monster cards, Fire & Regret which give all cards return fire and dealt damage back to range cards and lastly is Fog of war which eliminate any abilities like sneak, snipe or opportunity and to make it interesting we can pick any element except death. In this kind of cases, I do follow the fog of war rule and pick mostly magic monster cards, even if I'm thinking of using range cards, the fire & Regret is standing as an obstacle to such decision.

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battle link

I decided to go with water element and use kelya to boost my speed so as to attack first if possible, I picked diemonshark as my frontline line then place furious chicken next to it incase there is any blast effect coming in. I picked Djinn Oshannus next to it because of the amazing abilities and the force field really saved me this time around, next to it was Torrent Fiend which main purpose was to just fill the space then my golden flagulon reine which I recently got from a pack and it is a legendary card and lastly was Riverboat captain with the blast and affliction.

When I submitted the battle and saw what my opponent picked, I thought I had lost it because he use llama mage with the last stand ability and he picked Kron as his last hope which means it will be more powerful then I noticed he use a melee gladiator cards in the wrong position which render it useless but I guess he was only focusing on kron and llama mage. Since my cards was way stronger than he is, I destroy all this 5 position within 3 rounds and my cards was still intact, then he destroy my first 2 cards and got this kron activated, so it was kron vs djinn oshannus but mind was way powerful with the anti magic abilities (phase) and also forcefield which make it take just 1 damage, even though i try to place affliction on him, mage was busy cleaning the debuff but since I was way stronger, that gave me more chance to win the battle. What do you see to this strategy, would things have change if I didn't use Djinn Oshannus?


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