The Rebellion Is Almost Here | Together We Rise


The Rebellion mood is almost here, the event is about to start because we have just 5 days before the presale will go live, I know lot of users are already doing countdown to the main day, many are patiently waiting so they can lay their hands on those pack, open them and see the new cards editions, few days back, dec price started rising once again in this preparation moving with $0.007 in price from the low to high. Even though the excitement is much, there are lot of change the rebellion will be bringing along to the whole splinterlands universe.

At first I wasn't expecting much than a new set of design cards with some special ability just like when chaos and riftwatcher cards came on board and they were introduced into the modern league as a core card but now, rebellion which is the 5th edition set of cards will bring in new change and will also be one of the major set in the modern league while the untamed card set and azmare dice monster cards will have to be move permanently to the wild format which means we will only have 3 set left, chaos, riftwatcher and rebellion in modern league, battle about to get tougher for players who will have to either rent rebellion or play their collections just like that.

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Also we will be having 96 monster cards in total in the rebellion set with 2 limited edition promo cards, one is the Mantaroth which is titled as the Fury of the empire which is a legendary card with 4 level, 11 mana and health, and 5 special abilities, shield which reduce attack from range and melee cards, true strike that wont make it miss any attack, repair that repair the armour each round, blast that deal damage to the adjacent monster card also, lastly is the new ability named Armoured Strike which add extra melee attack to the card that possess this special ability based on their armour stat, what I'm trying to know is if the 4 armour will be added to the melee attack and make it 7 melee attack which will really make it deadly. The second cards is the Grimbardun Smith which is a rare non attacking monster card with the usual abilities.

Even though I'm happy with this incoming change, there are things that are really confusing and I'm curious to now how it will play out, one of this thing is the new tactics that according to them will usher new second stage decision, at first is the Dual-element Summoners that will come with this rebellion cards, just like how the dragon element work where when you pick any dragon summoner, you have the option to pick from the dragon cards and also the selected element with the neutral cards, this will be available in the new set, but not all summoners will have this option. Also this summoner mana cap will be higher than others and they will have the new summoner tactics where they will have an option to buff their cards or debuff the opponent cards once they are revealed on the board.


After reading the whole details and seeing this gameplay image, I had to change my mind about this rebellion card, like this is fucking awesome and truly it is a new game changer, imagine having only melee cards ruleset in this kind of battle and you buff ur cards and give them shield as the summoner tactics, you cards will have more chance to stay for long in such battle since it will reduce the attack and they all have it, there are lot of things to learn about this set here

With this new eye catching abilities and set that will be coming in, It will really be a good idea to take part in the presale and grab as many pack as possible even though the presale will be going for 5k dec each unless you want to use voucher as discount which will give you 4k dec with 5 vouchers at the presale level, the perks and abilities are really amazing and waiting for the cards to be listed on market will be at some disadvantage because there are chances this cards price will be high since they are really amazing and with the the current increase in dec price, 5k dec is going for 15hive right now. The only option is to check out the rent marketplace with the hope that the cards renting price will be cheap and affordable, We are patiently waiting to see how this will really play out.


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